
Below you will find  the attendance policies from the 

Paint Valley School District's Handbooks

You will also find the Ohio Department of Education frequently asked questions on Attendance Terms and Definitions according to Ohio law

Attendance Policy

State law requires school attendance until the age of 18. Students who do not maintain good

attendance may fail, lose certain privileges, and/or may have their parents taken to court. The

Board of Education requires that the students enrolled in the schools of this district attend school

regularly in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. If you believe that your child is

unable to attend school, the proper documentation from a doctor, certified psychologist,

psychiatrist, superintendent or principal is required to be submitted to the building office

secretary within one (1) week of the student’s return to school. Excuses submitted after this

time period will not be accepted and the absence will be recorded as unexcused. However, please

keep in mind that other arrangements are usually required for the continuing education of the

student. A student who is absent for observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday

shall be excused from attendance on that holiday. A student who misses 38 hours or more in a

month, or 65 hours or more in a year, excused or unexcused, must present a doctor’s note

for every absence thereafter.


Step 1 – Habitual Truant-This step starts when a student accumulates 30 consecutive hours,

42 or more hours in one month, or 72 or more hours in one year of unexcused absences. At

this time, the principal/attendance officer notifies the child and the child’s parents of the

compulsory school attendance laws by mailing a letter and a copy of the attendance laws and will

form an intervention team within 14 days to meet with both student and parent(s) to develop a

specialized absence intervention plan for the student. Within 7 days after the plan is developed,

parents/guardians will receive a written copy.

Step 2 – Excessive Absences – This step starts when a student is absent 38 or more hours in

one school month with or without a legitimate excuse; or absent 72 or more hours in one

school year with or without a legitimate excuse.

Step 3 –Failure to Cause and Compel- This step starts when a parent fails to meet the

requirements set forth by the specialized intervention team. The district will file charges of

“Failure to Cause and Compel” with the Ross County Juvenile court. The officer will then

transfer the attendance records to the County Prosecutor. Unruly Child is defined as any child

that does not subject the child’s self to the reasonable control of the child’s parent, teacher,

guardians, by being wayward or habitually truant.

The Paint Valley Board of Education is required to enforce regular attendance for all students

ages 5-18. Parents have the responsibility for their child or children to attend school on a

regular basis.

Suspensions are considered unexcused absences and students are allowed to make up work.

Suspension hours are counted in the excessive category.

Excused Absence –These absences shall be for personal illness, medical and dental

appointments, death in the immediate family, quarantine, observance of religious holiday

functions, emergency situations or acts beyond the school’s control, i.e. snowbound, flood,

subpoenaed witness, etc. or other absences as approved by the administration. Excuses must be

provided within one (1) week of the student’s return to school in order to be excused.

Medical excuses and parent absence notes will only be accepted within 1 week of a

student's return to school. Any exceptions will be approved by building principal or school

truant officer.

Unexcused Absence – includes all other types not included such as being out of class without

authorization, truancy, suspension from school, etc.



Students who arrive after the start of school will begin accumulating minutes towards truancy. It

is highly recommended that students arrive no later than 8:00 a.m. Whenever students arrive

late, leave early, or are absent from school, they should bring a note stating the reasons why they

were late or have to leave school. If they do not, their tardiness is considered to be unexcused.

Notes are to be signed and dated by parents, stating the reasons for absence or tardiness

regardless of the student’s age. Only 5 tardies or up to 60 total minutes of absence will be

excused with parent notes. All others must be a physician's note or other approved excuse.



All graded work missed because of an excused absence will be graded and recorded for the 9

weeks the student was absent. An incomplete will be recorded on the grade card if work is not

made up in time to be included on the grade card. All incompletes must be replaced with a letter

grade prior to the end of the next 9-week grading period.

When a child is absent from school, parents should request that work be sent home. The student

should complete all work sent home within a reasonable amount of time. The amount of work

time will vary depending on the number of days missed and the volume of work missed. The

amount of time will be the number of days missed plus 1 day. (Example: if a student misses

3 days, they will have 3 days plus 1 day to make up all the work – all totaled the student

will have 4 days to make up work.)



Parents are encouraged NOT to take their child out of school for vacations. When a family

vacation must be scheduled during the school year, the parents should discuss the matter with the

Principal and teacher to make necessary arrangements. It may be possible for the students to

receive certain assignments that are to be completed during the trip.


Absenteeism Type Consecutive Hours Hours per School Month Hours per School Year

Chronic Absenteeism n/a       n/a 10% of total hours either excused or unexcused

Excessive Absences n/a 38 excused or unexcused 65 excused or unexcused hours

hours absent unless the absent unless the absence is

absence is a medical a medical

Habitual Truancy 30 hours without a 42 hours without legitimate 72 hours without legitimate

legitimate excuse for excuses for absences excuses for absences

the consecutive absences

Attendance Terms and Definitions

What is the definition of excessively absent?
Ohio law defines excessively absent as “with a nonmedical excuse or without legitimate excuse from the public school the child is supposed to attend for thirty-eight or more hours in one school month, or sixty-five or more hours in a school year.” 

What are medical and nonmedical excuses?

The definitions of medical and nonmedical excuses are within the discretion of schools and districts. Local board-adopted attendance policies should include definitions or examples of medical excuses, including a process and timeline for families to submit medical excuses. 

What is the definition of habitual truancy?

Ohio law defines a habitually truant student as “any child of compulsory school age who is absent without legitimate excuse for absence from the public school the child is supposed to attend for thirty or more consecutive hours, forty-two or more hours in one school month, or seventy-two or more hours in one school year.” 

When a student meets the definition of habitually truant, the school or district is required to assign the student to an absence intervention team to develop a plan with the family. Only when those interventions are unsuccessful does the school or district file a truancy complaint. 

What is compulsory school age?

According to Ohio law, a child between six and eighteen years of age is "of compulsory school age.” A child under six years of age who has been enrolled in kindergarten also shall be considered "of compulsory school age" unless at any time the child's parent or guardian, at the parent's or guardian's discretion and in consultation with the child's teacher and principal, formally withdraws the child from kindergarten.

Excessively Absent Requirements for Schools and Districts

What happens when a student becomes excessively absent from school?

In the event a child of compulsory school age is absent with a nonmedical excuse or without legitimate excuse for 38 or more hours in one school month or 65 or more hours in a school year, Ohio law requires the following to occur: 

·        The school or district will notify the student’s parents or guardians in writing within seven days of the triggering absence if the absences are for nonmedical reasons or without legitimate excuse; 

·        The student will follow the school or district’s policy for addressing excessive absences; and 

·        The school or district may refer the student and family to community resources, as appropriate. 

How must the district notify the family when a student becomes excessively absent?

A school or district must notify the student’s family in writing within seven days of the triggering absence. A school or district can consider different modes of communication when notifying the family. This may include an email or friendly letter in the mail. Families are often confused and frustrated when a letter about mostly excused absences includes language about truancy, court, and other punitive consequences.

While excessive absence may eventually lead to habitual truancy, communications about excessive absence should serve as a notification of the number of absent hours along with an invitation to support students and families. Schools and districts need to record the date the notice was given in their student information system.  

What happens when a student becomes excessively absent from school but has medical excuses?

Medically excused absences do not count toward excessive absence triggers. Those hours will count toward a student’s chronic absence rate. 

Do students with excessive absences need to have personalized absence intervention plans developed by their schools’ or districts’ absence intervention teams?

No, unless the absences surpass the threshold for habitual truancy. Students who have met the threshold for excessive absences but are not considered habitually truant do not need absence intervention plans developed by their school’s or district’s absence intervention teams.  

Do students with excessive absences need submitted for a truancy complaint?

No. Schools and districts only submit truancy complaints for habitually truant students.  

Why do excused absences count toward excessive absence triggers?

When a student is regularly absent, the student is missing instruction time and opportunities for interventions, supports, and social interactions. Excessive absences may serve as an early warning indicator that schools and districts can use to address absences before a student becomes habitually truant. A student may need support to get to school every day even though the student’s absences are excused. Ultimately, there may be a larger problem contributing to the absences that schools and districts will have to identify.  

Do absences caused by suspensions count toward excessively absent triggers?

Yes. Suspensions count toward excessive absences because the definition of excessive absences does not distinguish between legitimate and not legitimate reasons for missing school. 

Habitual Truancy Requirements for Schools and Districts

What happens when a student becomes habitually truant from school?
When a student is habitually truant, Ohio law requires the following to occur: 

·        Within seven school days of the triggering absence, the school or district will: 

·        Select members of the absence intervention team; and 

·        Make three meaningful attempts to secure the participation of the student’s parent, guardian custodian, guardian ad litem, or temporary custodian on the absence intervention team. 

·        Within 10 calendar days of the triggering absence, the student will be assigned to the selected absence intervention team; 

·        Within 14 school days after the assignment of the team, the school or district will develop the student’s absence intervention plan; 

·        Within seven calendar days after the plan is developed, the school or district shall make reasonable efforts to provide written notification to the student’s parent or guardian. 

·Are all districts required to have absence intervention teams? 

No. According to Ohio law, schools and districts with chronic absenteeism rates of 5 percent or greater on the most recent Ohio School Report Cards must establish absence intervention teams for students who are habitually truant. If a local district is required to have an absence intervention team, all schools in that district are subject to the requirement. 

Who is required to participate on the absence intervention team?

Membership of each absence intervention team should vary based on the needs of each individual student, but each team MUST include: 

1.   A representative from the school or district; 

2.   Another representative from the school or district who has a relationship with the child; and 

3.   The child’s parent (or parent’s designee) or the child’s guardian, custodian, guardian ad litem or temporary custodian. 

The school or district may invite a school psychologist, counselor, social worker, representative of a public or nonprofit agency, or representative from the court to participate on the team. 

The parent may appoint a designee, such as a relative or other trusted adult, if the parent is unable to participate. If, after three good faith attempts, the school or district is unable to ensure participation of the parent, the team will develop the student’s absence intervention plan without the parent. 

What is the role of an absence intervention team?

The absence intervention team develops a student-centered absence intervention plan that will help identify specific barriers and solutions to attendance for every child who is habitually truant. Participation of the student and his or her parent or guardian in the plan helps to remove barriers to attendance and avoid filing criminal complaints against the student in juvenile court. 

What if a school or district cannot engage the parent in the absence intervention team after three good faith attempts?
The school or district must make three good faith efforts to engage the student’s parent, guardian, custodian, guardian ad litem, or temporary custodian, as outlined in the school or district’s local policy. If the parent is unable to participate in the absence intervention team, the student’s parent may appoint a parent designee, such as a relative or other trusted adult.  

A parent does not have to participate in the absence intervention team in-person if they are unable to do so. Absence intervention teams can consider alternatives for including parents, such as conference calls or video conferencing. 

If, after three good faith attempts, the school or district is unable to ensure participation of the parent or the parent’s designee, the team can develop the student’s absence intervention plan without the parent. Schools and districts have seven days after the plan’s completion to send the plan to the student’s parents. 

How long is the Absence Intervention Plan in place?

The student has 60 calendar days to participate and make satisfactory progress on the plan. The absence intervention team works with the student to avoid additional absences from school. If the student does not participate or make satisfactory progress on the plan, as determined by the absence intervention team, Ohio law states the attendance officer must file a complaint in juvenile court against the student on the 61st calendar day after the implementation of the absence intervention plan. 

What determines if a student has made satisfactory progress on the absence intervention plan?

Setting a clear, individualized definition of “satisfactory progress” is a key component of the student’s plan. This allows the student and family to have a clear understanding of how to be successful. Before the conclusion of the plan on the 61st day, the team determines if the student made satisfactory progress based on the metrics in the plan. The team may consider attendance barriers. Satisfactory progress may not look the same for all students. Students who have made satisfactory progress do not meet the requirements for truancy.  

What happens if a student reaches another habitually truant threshold while on the absence intervention plan?

If at any time during the implementation phase of the absence intervention plan the student is absent without legitimate excuse 30 or more consecutive hours or 42 or more hours in one school month, the school or district must have its attendance officer file a complaint against the student. This requirement does not apply if the absence intervention team has determined the student has made satisfactory progress on the absence intervention plan. 

Does an absence intervention plan carry over from one school year to the next school year?
If a student becomes habitually truant within 21 school days of the last day of instruction in a school year, Ohio law allows the school or district to assign one school official to work with the child's parent, guardian, custodian, guardian ad litem, or temporary custodian to develop an absence intervention plan during the summer. If the school or district selects this method, the school or district and student must implement the plan no later than seven calendar days prior to the first day of instruction of the next school year. Alternatively, the school or district may reconvene the absence intervention process on the first day of instruction of the next school year. 

If the 61st calendar day after the implementation of the absence intervention plan falls on a day during the summer months, the absence intervention team or the attendance officer may extend the implementation of the plan and delay the filing of the complaint for an additional 30 days from the first day of instruction of the next school year. 

Do absences caused by suspensions count toward habitual truant triggers?

No. Though suspensions are often coded as unexcused absences, they do not count toward habitual truancy triggers because suspensions represent a legitimate excuse to be out of school.  

When students are tardy to school, is that time counted toward chronic absenteeism?

Yes. Students can miss instructional time at any time of day, whether it is excused or unexcused. Being one hour late to school, leaving school two hours early, or leaving and returning midday for an appointment are all examples of hours away from instruction. These missed hours contribute to chronic absenteeism, and if they are unexcused, will also count toward habitual truancy. 

Are absences due to leave or deployment of military family members excusable?
Yes, according to OAC 3301-69-02 (B)(2)(k), absences of students with military family members may be excused when military family members’ deployment, leave or other activities interferes with the student’s attendance.  

Are absences due to student homelessness excusable?
Yes. Schools and districts should define excused absences in their policies for students experiencing homelessness when missed instructional time is directly related to the students’ homelessness. Here are additional resources for homeless youth

Are absences for pre-enlistment military responsibilities excusable?
According to OAC 3301-69-02 (B)(2)(h), absence from instructional time for pre-enlistment reporting to military enlistment processing station is an excusable occurrence. Excusing authorities may require written confirmation of pre-enlistment reporting of absent students. Schools and districts should work with recruiters to ensure that most pre-enlistment activities take place outside of instructional time.  

In OAC 3301-69-02 (A)(3), the term “regular attendance” is used. What does regular attendance mean?
In OAC 3301-69-02 (A)(3), schools and districts need to define regular attendance in their local policies. Consider both good and improved attendance when creating these definitions since a student could be achieving regular attendance after the school helps remove barriers to a student attending school. 

Are students who cannot attend school due to chronic or terminal illness considered excessively absent or habitually truant?

No. A student cannot be considered excessively absent or habitually truant for medically related absences. Schools and districts can work with families to monitor the student’s absences that are a result of the identified medical condition. Students would not be referred to the absence intervention team to develop and complete a plan for absences due to documented illness or absences related to the illness. Further, a student would not be referred to court for medical-related absences. Schools and districts have discretion through their local policies to tailor their approaches to attendance, absences, and truancy to the unique needs of their student populations. 

Is an appointment concerning mental health a medically excused absence?
According to OAC 3301-69-02 (B)(2)(e), students missing instructional time for mental or behavioral health appointments or treatment from medical providers is an excusable absence that schools and districts should add to their attendance policies. Schools and districts may require the written statement from a medical or mental health professional.  

Can districts suspend or expel students for truancy?

No, Ohio law does not allow schools or districts to suspend or expel students for truancy. Schools and districts can work proactively work with families and community organizations to address barriers that prevent students from attending school. 

How should schools and districts log attendance for students enrolled in College Credit Plus? 
When students attend part or all of their day at an approved location outside of their assigned school building through the College Credit Plus Program, both the school and the college/university need to collaborate and communicate about the student's daily attendance. This is necessary for attendance to be accurate and for student safety. For example, if a student attends three hours in the morning at their local school and three hours in the afternoon at the college/university, the school will log three hours for their morning in the building, and a designated person at the college/university confirms the student’s attendance for the afternoon with the school.  

Specific policy and practice should be developed at the local level. It is helpful for school and district staff to form good relationships with the college staff who coordinate the College Credit Plus program.

Do local policies have to address zero tolerance?

Yes. Ohio law requires schools and districts to have zero tolerance policies for violent, disruptive or inappropriate behavior by their students. However, schools and districts must remove “excessive absences” from their zero tolerance policies. Schools and districts also are no longer allowed to suspend or expel students for being absent from school without legitimate excuse.