Has your address changed?
If you have moved from one residence in our district to another residence in our district, you are required to give proof of the new residence to the school office. All address changes must include this proof. If you have any questions, please contact the building secretaries.
MS/HS Michelle Bethel 740-634-3582 ext. 14300
ES Nicole Barker 740-634-3454 ext. 14200
If you have moved outside our district and you would like to apply for open-enrollment to continue in our district,
you will need to fill out open enrollment forms to start this process.
Below is the One View Portal Tab to fill out a new emergency medical form for the 2024-2025 school year.
Parents are required to provide us yearly, an emergency medical authorization in order for us to provide the correct service or authorization as needed. These forms also allow students to participate in field trips, athletic trips, band trips etc. The form also addresses computer use, photo use, displaying student work and the handbook.
You will need to use your user name and password that you set up when the student was enrolled.
If you do not know your user name, password, or have problems once you sign in, please contact the school office
Elementary - Nicole Barker
Middle and High School - Michelle Bethel
Make sure that you are inputting information for the 2024-2025 school year.
If you are enrolling a new student, you must still come to the school and provide the required documentation. See the NEW STUDENT tab at the top.
Progress Book
Parent access to Progress Book. Find and click the PV in the list of schools. For questions about Progress Book, please call the school office.