Elementary Staff
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email address = first.last@pvlsd.org
Elementary Office Staff
Misty Ewry
Elementary School Principal
740-634-3454 x 14413
Audrianna Dettwiller
Guidance Counselor
740-634-3454 x 14203
Nicole Barker
Elementary Secretary
740-634-3454 x 14200
School Service Animal
740-634-3454 x 14413
Lexie Roush
Speech Pathologist
740-634-3454 x 14250
Holly Pummel
District Nurse
740-634-3454 x 14204
Beth Hobbs
Math Coach
740-634-3454 x 14248
Tina Woods
Literacy Coach
740-634-3454 x 14238
Special Education
Todd Yeagle
Special Education District Director
740-634-3454 x 14303
Jarod Hood
Elementary Intervention Specialist
740-634-3454 x 14249
Rhonda Roberts
Elementary Intervention Specialist
740-634-3454 x 14232
Dalton Ewry
Grades 1-5 Cross-Categorical Unit
740-634-3454 x 14213
Kathryn Rapp
Kindergarten Cross-Categorical Unit
740-634-3454 x 14311
Tina Alley
Title I
740-634-3454 x 14411
Dawn Notestone
Title I Teacher
740-634-3454 x 14216
Holly Proehl
Title I Teacher
740-634-3454 x 14229
Erin Morris
Title I Aide
Preschool Teachers
Amanda Dyer
Preschool General Education
740-634-3454 x 14252
Justine Ralston
Preschool General Education
740-634-3454 x 14244
Kindergarten Teachers
Kristen Gregory
Kindergarten General Education
740-634-3454 x 14231
Emilee Holden
Kindergarten General Education
740-634-3454 x 14210
Jillian Snyder
Kindergarten General Education
740-634-3454 x 14211
First Grade Teachers
Bridgette Hood
First Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14223
Felicia Henry
First Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14205
Alisha Kellough
First Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14336
Second Grade Teachers
Hunter Ayers
Second Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14234
Rhonda Moore
Second Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14246
Craig Waltos
Second Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14402
Third Grade Teachers
Becca Martin
Third Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14222
Sabrina Gardner
Third Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14214
Raegan Bush
Third Grade General Education
740-634-3454 x 14228
Fourth Grade Teachers
Denise Peters
Fourth Grade Social Studies & Science Teacher
740-634-3454 x 14208
Lori Reed
Fourth Grade Math Teacher
740-634-3454 x 14227
Miranda Waltos
Fourth Grade English Teacher
740-634-3454 x14230
Fifth Grade Teachers
Heather Burkam
Fifth Grade Language Arts and Social Studies
740-634-3454 x 14422
Cora Henson
Fifth Grade Science Teacher
740-634-3454 x 14217
Jamie Carpenter
Fifth Grade Math Teacher
740-634-3454 x 14402
Unified Arts Teachers
Shelley Holbert
Physical Education
740-634-3454 x 14218
Julia Houston
General Music
740-634-3454 x 14314
Mike Thompson
Elementary Art
740-634-3454 x 14236
Amber Lewis
Innovation Lab Facilitator
740-634-3454 x 14215
Ashley Annon
Elementary Paraprofessional
Whitney Bethel
Elementary Paraprofessional
Maille Hager
Elementary Paraprofessional
Philip Hart
Elementary Paraprofessional
Tara Immell
Elementary Paraprofessional
Kim Johnson
Elementary Paraprofessional
Kamren Keller
Elementary Paraprofessional
Sara Knox
Elementary Paraprofessional
Andria Kretzer
Elementary Paraprofessional
Karie Linne
Elementary Paraprofessional
Pam Mannion
Elementary Paraprofessional
Candy Mills
Elementary Paraprofessional
Serena Murray
Elementary Paraprofessional
Jessica Mustard
Elementary Paraprofessional
Hannah Neff
Elementary Paraprofessional
Jackie Reed
Elementary Paraprofessional
Ashley Taylor
Elementary Paraprofessional
Lisa Wagoner
Elementary Paraprofessional